Hello, and welcome to my website!

I’m a grad student at Georgia Tech where I’m doing an MS in Computer Science in the Interactive Intelligence track. Watch this space for regular updates. Meanwhile, you can get an idea of my completed and current coursework here.

This summer (2022), I was a software engineering intern at Autodesk, where I designed a knowledge graph based recommendation system, utilizing AWS services. I also created a GraphQL API which could be used to query the recommendation system and generate useful pipelines for the end-user. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, I worked as a software engineer at General Electric where I was responsible for developing and deploying REST-based microservices in Java. I also optimized the DevOps and CI/CD pipelines for the project.

If you wanna know more about my professional experience, here’s my CV and LinkedIn. Please feel free to look over the other pages on this website as well. If you want to contact me, shoot me an email over at bdas31@gatech.edu.